Bournemouth offers many sporting & leisure activities.
Water sports
Bournemouth and Poole offer a wide range of watersports: sailing, canoeing, kayaking, windsurfing, coasteering, etc.
Popular places for surfing include Bournemouth pier, Boscombe pier, Southbourne Beach, Highcliffe, Kimmeridge Bay and Poole Harbour “UK’s No1 spot to learn to windsurf”.
Cyclists are allowed to cycle along the seafront promenades and there are also excellent cycle routes from Shore Road at Sandbanks in Poole, to the west, and at Hengistbury Head.
Bournemouth has a number of golf courses in and around the town.
Bournemouth has around 30 public tennis courts in and around central Bournemouth. Advance booking is not necessary usually and tennis coaching courses are often available.
Bowls is one of Bournemouth’s most popular sports and there are over 11 outdoor Bowling Green’s in the area and one indoors. Most are open daily from 10:00 to 19:00, between April to September, and each of the bowling greens are run by a local club. All sites have facilities for public play and are bookable locally.
Football is another one of the town’s popular sports. The Bournemouth Football Association was founded in 1920 and runs all of the major football competitions in the area.
There are regular tournaments for the adults. In the most recent competition Cavendish School wan. Can the team hold their position at the top? Let’s see.. The next tournament is on 18th November.
There are numerous well-equipped fitness & sports centres in Bournemouth, with excellent state-of-the-art fitness and weight training equipment, personal trainers , aerobic courses, saunas, solariums, steam rooms, etc. Most gyms and sports centres in the town are open daily, from early in the morning until late at night (some are even open for 24 hours)
Walking is a particularly popular pastime. There are many excellent walking trails, often providing fantastic views of the seafront and the surrounding countryside.
Horse riding
Horse riding is available in the New Forest.
We also have a local athletics club which has proved popular with some adult learners. Competitive joggers can join the road runners who meet regularly for training (all year round).